Become a Football Official

Northern Nevada Football Officials Association - for the love of the game

The NNFOA currently has about 75 members. We welcome adults of all ages who share our passion and love of the game of football to join us! Please click the button below to apply. Even if the season has already started, it's not too late to join. Be a part of the best 'social club' in Northern Nevada!

Off Season Zoom Sessions Start Jan 28!

This Season we will be joining the California Football Officials Association (CFOA) for their Spring Training Schedule. These once per month sessions will help you stay sharp for next fall. Most are held on Tuesday evenings and will last about 1 hour. Check out our NNFOA Dates page for more details.

Happy Retirement Jim Cavin! 

Nevada State Rules Interpreter and long time SNOA Official Jim Cavin is hanging up his stripes. The NNFOA thanks Jim for his superb leadership and help over the years. All the best JIm!

Rookie Social Thur May 22 6pm Boulevard Pizza in Sparks. SAVE THE DATE