Become a Football Official
Game Fees

Under the leadership of NNFOA President Mark Jacoby, and former President Earl Hintz, the NNFOA spearheaded an effort to obtain a significant game fee increase for football officials. In 2023, game fees were $73.50/53 for Varsity/subvarsity, and only a 5% increase was due per the current contract. This has been a long process that has taken well over a year. Last June we formally asked every other official's association in the state to join our efforts, but not one was willing. The NNFOA forged ahead alone despite that.

Recently the Executives of the NIAA and leaders of the NIAA Board of Control met and agreed that an additional game fee increase was warranted. The proposal was presented to various Sports Commissioners on Apr 16. Also, game fees will be increased not only for football officials, but for all officials in ALL sports across the entire state. Others sports will be increased to $85/65. The fee schedule will be in effect for the 2025-26 school year as well, and then the state mandated cost of living raise will again be implemented. The unified position of the membership of the NNFOA in this matter was crucial to its successful outcome.

The proposal will next be presented to the state school district superintendents for their approval which is expected on May 2. The matter will then be an action item for the full NIAA Board of Control to approve at its scheduled meeting on June 5. Approval is also expected there as BoC President Sloan and VP Stallworth have expressed their full support. Update Jun 5: As expected, the NIAA BoC approved the game fee increase effective for the 2024 season. This change will bring the state of Nevada very close to the national average ($100) paid for football officials. 

This represents a 29.3% increase for varsity and a 41.5% increase for subvarsity game fees over 2023. Other sports will get a 15.6 and 22.6% increase respectively. 

Game fees for 2024 and 2025 

Varsity: $95

JV/frosh: $75

Playoff contests +$5 State Championship +$10

Youth: Pop Warner pays $75/game + travel for HS officials working youth ball. Although the NNFOA isn't officially associated with Pop Warner, officials (especially newer ones) are encouraged to work youth ball if they have the availability to do so. It is a great way to get more snaps and experience and learn the mechanics of officiating football. Contact NNFOA members Tony Le or Chris Whitbeck for more information. Contact info for both Tony and Chris can be found on the Leadership page. Most youth games occur on Saturdays. It is also possible to work youth ball only for those that wish to do so. 

Travel fees for 2024

Travel fees are paid from one's residence to the game site. Usually only one driver fee is granted. For games in the Reno metro area where multiple officials are likely to drive to the site, the fee may be a hybrid of both driver and rider for each official:

Driver: $0.67 per mile

Passenger: $0.24 per mile

State Championship contests held in Las Vegas: NIAA pays for air travel+1 night hotel stay+crew rental car.

For games out of town (Reno/Sparks), it is expected that the crew will carpool whenever possible to reduce the financial burden on schools.