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2025 Preseason Clinic

NNFOA 2025 Preseason Clinic is being held Fri-Sun Aug 1-3 at Boys & Girls Club in Reno

Officials from any association of any state are welcome to join us.

Plans for the clinic at this point (early Jan) are extremely tentative, and likely to change. The NNFOA Executive Board will be meeting in the next few months to put together a great agenda.

Tentative Clinicians include:

Scott Campbell - NFL Umpire and former Big 10 referee

Dale Keller - NFL Down Judge, former Pac 12 Line Judge and NNFOA alumnus

Roscoe Meisenheimer - Big 12 Umpire, also many years in the Pac 12 and SNOA alumnus

Jeff Dahle - Pac 12 Referee and Side Judge, former NNFOA Commissioner

Brian Brown - Big 10 Replay Official (formerly Pac 12 RO) and former NNFOA President

Doug Suhl - D2 and D3 Line Judge, SNOA Crew Chief

Tim Kiefer - Former SEC official and Host of MIBT (Make It Be There) website

various NNFOA members

The clinic will be held at the Boys and Girls Club, 2680 E. 9th St. in Reno.

Friday: Golf tournament at Washoe County Golf Course. Help Jerry Winters find his balls!

Saturday all day and Sunday am will be the clinic, meals provided. Cost TBA, but probably less than $100. Out of town attendees are expected to find their own housing this year, but we are working on getting special rates with a local hotel--stay tuned.

NNFOA Executive Board

NNFOA members only: All members are expected to attend the Preseason Clinic according to NNFOA By-Laws. 1st  year rookie officials are exempt but encouraged to attend. Golf and overnight stays are optional.